ARIES: Positive change is around the corner, objective compromise brings success.
Lucky Color: Camel, Bright Yellow.

TAURUS: Look into the truth of situation, implement fresh ideas, new beginnings.
Lucky Color: Golden, Brown, Dark Green.

GEMINI: Have patience and make long term plans, be generous and practical.
Lucky Color: Pink, Crimson Yellow, Mauve.

CANCER: Follow your heart, spend more time with family and loved ones.
Lucky Color: Sea Green, Sea Blue, Royal Blue

LEO: Something important is on the way, gather courage and take your stand, you will be blessed.
Lucky Color: Lemon Yellow, Off White, Bronze

VIRGO: Take charge of your emotions, love & harmony in relationships, don’t feel entrapped.
Lucky Color: Sea Blue, Green all shades, Pastel Brown

LIBRA: Leave the past behind and look for way forward, time is a big healer, focus on possibilities.
Lucky Color: All shades of Blue, Cream

SCORPIO: Seek advice and follow a different approach, evaluate your decision & take care of your health.
Lucky Color: Purple, Light Green.

SAGITTARIUS: Have faith and confidence, there is lot to accomplish, plan well & take necessary action.
Lucky Color: White, Grey, Pink.

CAPRICORN: Believe in yourself & take a plunge. You have the ability to pull it off.
Lucky Color: Chocolate Brown, Caramel, Peach.

AQUARIUS: Inner peace and meditation will help you seek your answers, show compassion and take things easy.
Lucky Color: White, Dark Blue, Gold.

PISCES: New relationship, new home, new possibilities, don’t give up on those you love.
Lucky Color: Bright yellow, light purple, Dark Brown

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