Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

22 Oct 2021 | 2 min Read

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1. Committee Opinion No. 650 Summary: Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Dec;126(6):e135-e142.
2. National Health Portal of India. Pregnancy [Internet] [Updated
05.11.15]. Available at: https://www.nhp.gov.in/healthlyliving/pregnancy. Accessed on: 02.03.21.
3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Features. Reasons to Follow CDC’s Recommended Immunization Schedule. Available
at: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/schedules/reasons-follow-schedule.html. Accessed on 12th July 2021
4. Vaccinate your baby on time [Internet]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019. Available from:
https://www.cdc.gov/features/infantimmunization/index.html Accessed on 7th July, 2021
5. Kasi SG, Shivananda S, Marathe S, et al. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices
(ACVIP): Recommended Immunization Schedule (2020-21) and update on Immunization for Children Aged 0 Through 18 years. Indian Pediatr. 2021;58(1): 44-53.
6. Pneumococcal Disease | Risk Factors and Transmission | CDC,
Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/pneumococcal/about/risk-transmission.html Accessed on 18th May, 2021.
7. Pneumococcal Disease | Types of infection | CDC [Internet]. Cdc.gov 2021 [cited 18th may, 2021] Available from:
8. Pneumococcal Disease: Prevention Through Vaccination | CDC.
Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/pneumococcal/about/prevention.html  Accessed on 18th May, 2021


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