Assisted Baby Workout: Exercises For The First 6 Months

Assisted Baby Workout: Exercises For The First 6 Months

17 Dec 2021 | 2 min Read

Dr Ushasri Nimmakuri

Author | 1 Articles

The baby’s muscles and bones are weak when they are born. Combining a few simple exercises with regular body massages can help strengthen your baby. Until your baby’s head cannot self-balance, assisted exercises can help strengthen them.

Here are 4 simple everyday exercises that can be done in the first 6 months:

Riding bicycle exercise

  • Place your baby lying on the back and gently move their legs in a motion that depicts cycling.
  • Repeat this back-and-forth cycling motion 3-4 times.
  • Hold every position for about 4 seconds.
  • This exercise supports muscle and bone strengthening, builds good lower limb strength and supports smooth bowel movement.

Arm stretching exercises

  • Place your baby lying on the back and gently stretch your baby’s arms on the sides and above the head.
  • Hold each position for about 3 seconds.
  • Repeat this motion 3-4 times.
  • This motion can help strengthen their arm muscles and increase flexibility.

Side turning exercise

  • Make your baby lie on their back and place the hands in the center of the body.
  • Gently turn the baby to the left side, hold the position for 4 seconds, and then turn them to the right.
  • Repeat this exercise about 4-5 times.
  • This can help muscle strengthening and improve flexibility.

Assisted sit up exercise

  • Place your baby down, making them lie on their back.
  • Get both the hands together and support their head with your other hand. Now, gently pull the baby towards you by giving support to making them sit.
  • Repeat this rocking back and forth motion about 3-4 times.
  • This exercise is for babies between the age of 3 – 6 months.
  • It helps strengthen the core and leg muscles.
  • It also helps the baby align their upper body with the lower body.

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