9 Unique And Easy Tricks To Tackle Your Baby’s Problems!

9 Unique And Easy Tricks To Tackle Your Baby’s Problems!

8 Apr 2022 | 3 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

As much as we love our children, we hate it when they get sick. It’s almost impossible for a mother to look at her child in pain, and she’ll go to any length to relieve it. Here are some easy and handy tricks and tips which you can follow to cure your baby when they fall ill:    

1. Keep a track of their medication

You should never miss your baby’s medication! One easy hack to follow is to paste a sticker on to the medicine box and note down the starting date of the medication. Subsequently, you can mark it with a dot for every day you have given your baby the medicine. This way, you can know how many days you’ve given the medicine for and when you’ve missed.

2. Keep tooth pain away

It’s an old trick, but it works! Keep a metal spoon in the fridge till it becomes cold. Then, give your baby the spoon to suck on. The coldness and pressure of the spoon will relieve the baby of the pain caused by growing teeth!

3. Reduce ear pain

If your baby’s ear is in pain, then heat up some rock salt. Place it on a napkin and add two drops of essential oil to it. Rub it on your child’s ear. The heat and minerals should reduce the pain.

4. Beat the ulcer

Instead of applying an ointment which will burn your child’s skin, you can instead heat up some ghee and apply it to the ulcer. Another thing you can do is also make the child consume more milk and milk products, pepper items and rock sugar.

5. Cool down burn wounds

Use this blend the next time your baby burns something. Add some vinegar to cooking soda, in equal proportions, and gently rub it over where the burns are. This will keep pain at bay and also prevents boils.

6. Splinters in the skin

Rub baking soda mixed with a few drops of water over where the splinter has entered your baby’s skin, and then close it with band-aid. Leave it on for a hour. Then you can easily remove the splinter, without much pain.

7. Make the cough disappear

A baby’s cough can keep an entire house house up for the whole night. Just apply Vicks Vapour rub on the baby’s feet and put on some socks before you put it to sleep. It definitely works!

8. Reduce headache immediately!

Your baby’s headache will vanish if you press and massage the area between the thumb and forefinger.

9. Cure sunburns

It’s normal for a baby’s skin to break out and burn in excess sunshine. Put in some aloe vera in your freezer. The cold temperature and the plant’s medicinal properties will nourish and heal the burnt skin.

If this has been helpful for you, share it with other moms!




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