A Hilariously Honest Maternity Photo Shoot!

A Hilariously Honest Maternity Photo Shoot!

12 Apr 2022 | 4 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

We live in an age of maternity photo shoots that are so painfully beautiful that if you’re not a pregnant woman, you might actually consider becoming one. But if you are pregnant, you know that these photoshoots are a far cry from what you actually go through.

So, when Maya Vorderstrasse got pregnant a second time, she wanted to use this opportunity to show the world what pregnancy is really like with a series of photos starting from the 27th week of her pregnancy to childbirth.

1. To pee or not to pee.

The constant struggle of asking ‘where’s the restroom?’ at every restaurant, party or just as you walk on the street is often overlooked by people not growing humans inside them. The only place you’d get sympathized for this is probably your birthing class. P.S. Sciatica is a condition that causes terrible leg and back pain.

2. The cravings are real.

Swollen feet and a big tummy that attracts attention from every passing person will become things you won’t even be bothered by because you’re too busy stuffing your face. You’re eating for two anyway, right?

3. I’m fine. I’m TOTALLY fine.

You know what’s harder than being heavily pregnant? Convincing yourself that everything is okay when you’re heavily pregnant. There’s so much unsolicited advice from every person you’ve ever met that it becomes tedious to just remember all of it. But chill ladies, everything’s going to turn out great.

4. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT come in between a pregnant woman and her food.

From the second you’re married, everything that is yours is hers and everything that’s hers is yours. This is adorable and foundation of a good marriage and all that but these vows don’t apply when your wife is pregnant. Don’t be tempted by that delicious stash of cookies, chocolates and junk food your wife just bought. Just don’t. A simple rule is – if she sees it, it’s hers.

5. Pregnancy brain, Y’all!

So, you forgot where the car keys are or that you were supposed to switch on the microwave oven or that you were supposed to pick up your mother-in-law from the grocery store. Well…let’s not dwell on the details of that one. But go ahead and blame it on the pregnancy brain because there’s actual science to back you up now.

6. I produce human beings. What’s your superpower?

As a pregnant woman, you get a free pass for many things – A seat on the bus, A cut in the queue and just major respect in general. So why not have the privilege of wearing clothes you’re comfortable in?

7. Eat. Sleep. Pee. Repeat.

Mommies and tired and a decent 8-hour sleep feels like a dream. Oh, the irony. The bump doesn’t have much give when you’re trying to get comfortable under the sheets and relax, so there’s not much anyone can do about it.

8. What did you just say?

Pregnancy = hormonal changes = Mood swings. If a pregnant woman is laughing at your joke, you can fully expect that she will be in tears the next minute (If might be because you took the joke just a tad bit far but if we’re being honest, it’s not even your fault most of the times).

9. Well…Let’s just call it the miracle of birth.

Yup, that’s an accurate depiction of what birthing is. It might not exactly be a pretty site, but look on the bright side – you brought a tiny, little human being into this world who might actually change the way the world works. You never know!

10. Maybe more like a peach, but no…no watermelons here.

Every ounce of pain, every tear, every drop of sweat and blood that you shed to hold your bundle of joy will be all be worth it in the end.

All the above images are from mayavorderstrasse (Instagram). Check out her profile for more amazing photos about post-delivery struggles.



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