7 Tips For Your Baby’s First Bath

7 Tips For Your Baby’s First Bath

8 Sep 2022 | 5 min Read

Sayani Basu

Author | 607 Articles

One of the questions most new parents have are: when is the right time to give a baby’s first bath? When babies are born, they are covered with a substance called vernix caseosa on their skin that protects them in the womb and helps them slide out a bit more easily during birth. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for a few hours before bathing a newborn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), you should wait for at least 6 hours before your baby’s first bath in the hospital.

Since infants have their natural skin oils, bathing them too much can dry out their skin. Therefore, it is advisable to keep bathtime short. You can choose a baby wash that has been formulated with certified organic ingredients that will cleanse and maintain the pH and natural moisture balance of your newborn’s delicate skin.

Read on to know everything about your baby’s first bath.

Baby’s First Bath: How To Do It Right

Follow the below-mentioned tips for your baby’s first bath at home:

  1. Establish a routine: While giving your baby the first bath, it is advisable to establish your baby’s bath time routine as it will help set his/her body clock. You can also reinforce the sleepy-time message by dimming the lights and keeping the noise and activity down after bathing the little one.
  2. Check the little one’s mood: Try to postpone the bath if your baby is hungry, cranky or has an upset tummy. In case of a tummy ache, you can keep a tummy relief roll on handy to relieve discomfort from acid reflux, a common complaint in babies.
  1. Gather your supplies: It is recommended to have everything in hand before bathing a newborn as it is dangerous to leave your baby alone in the bath. The essentials include baby soap, shampoo, cotton washcloths, cotton balls, a plush towel, and a plastic basin.
  2. Get a grip: Gently slide your little one into the tub – feet first, holding the infant securely with one of your arms under the head and the other supporting the little one’s bottom.
  3. Use a natural body wash: Mums can choose a natural body wash for bathing a newborn. A natural body wash will deeply nourish your baby’s delicate skin and strengthen the little one’s skin barrier. All you need to do is just take a coin-sized amount of baby wash in your palms, rub them together and gently massage your baby’s skin in a circular motion. Rinse gently to wash off with lukewarm water.
  4. Go easy on the face and private parts: For your baby’s face, dip a corner of a washcloth or cotton ball in the warm water, wipe one eye from the inner corner outward gently and then use a different corner or a clean cotton ball for the other eye.

For genitals, use a soft, clean cloth or baby wipes and lukewarm water to clean your baby’s face and genitals. If you have a baby girl, wash the area from front to back, and wipe gently between skin folds. If you have a baby boy, wipe his penis clean.

  1. Use a tear-free baby shampoo: It is recommended to opt for a baby shampoo for bathing a newborn baby. Choose one that has been formulated using natural ingredients that gently loosen and remove the scales and strengthen your baby’s scalp barrier. A tear-free baby shampoo also balances the pH of the little one’s scalp to keep it nourished, healthy, and moisturised.
You can add some bathing toys to make the bathing session more fun for your little one. | Image Source: pixabay

When Can You Schedule Your Baby’s First Sponge Bath?

According to experts, it is advisable to give your baby a sponge bath until the umbilical cord stump falls away. A baby’s first bath after umbilical cord falls off might be scheduled by two weeks. Delaying baby’s first bath to few weeks might lead to infections on the skin. Instead, swaddle bath can also be considered.

How Hot Should The Water Be For Your Baby’s First Bath?

Check the temperature of the water before bathing a newborn baby. The temperature of the water should be warm and not too hot. According to medical studies, the ideal temperature should be between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius. You can also use a bath thermometer to monitor the temperature or check the water with your wrist or elbow to confirm that it’s not hot.

bathing a newborn baby
The temperature of the water to bathe your infant should be warm and not too hot. | Image Source: pexels

When Should Your Baby’s First Bath Be?

You can plan for your baby’s first bath within a week after birth. It is recommended to avoid bathing your newborn right after a feeding as the food needs time to settle. Infants need to be bathed once a week as bathing them daily can cause skin irritation and dryness.

Now that you already know some of the tips for baby’s first bath, it is important to keep in mind that you should never leave your infant alone in or near the tub and keep at least one hand on her body at all times. If you’ve forgotten something, take your baby with you to get it or ask your partner to get it.

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Cover Image Credit: pixabay



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