How To Identify Early Signs Of Thyroid In Kids

How To Identify Early Signs Of Thyroid In Kids

16 Feb 2023 | 3 min Read

Manisha Pradhan

Author | 1053 Articles

Thyroid in kids is becoming more common these days. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, produces hormones that regulate metabolism and growth. In children, the thyroid gland plays a crucial role in physical and mental development. 

An imbalance in thyroid hormones can lead to a range of health issues, such as developmental delays, weight gain, and fatigue. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of the early signs of thyroid in kids. Here are some of the early signs of thyroid in kids and what parents can do to ensure their child’s healthy thyroid function.

What Are The Early Signs Of Thyroid In Kids 

Some of the most common early signs of thyroid in kids are:

Changes in Growth Pattern

Thyroid hormones are crucial for growth and development in children. If your child is not growing at the expected rate or their growth pattern suddenly changes, it could be a sign of a thyroid problem. A child with an overactive thyroid may experience accelerated growth, while a child with an underactive thyroid may experience slowed growth.

Weight Changes

Weight changes can also be a sign of a thyroid disorder. An overactive thyroid may cause weight loss, even with a healthy appetite, while an underactive thyroid may cause weight gain, despite a decrease in food intake.

early signs of thyroid in kids
A child with an overactive thyroid may become irritable, anxious, or hyperactive/ Image source: freepik

Mood Changes

Thyroid hormones play a role in regulating mood and behaviour. A child with an overactive thyroid may become irritable, anxious, or hyperactive, while a child with an underactive thyroid may become fatigued, depressed, or sluggish.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Thyroid hormones can also affect sleep patterns. An overactive thyroid may cause insomnia, while an underactive thyroid may cause excessive sleepiness and difficulty waking up.

Changes in Bowel Habits

Thyroid hormones play a role in regulating digestion. A child with an overactive thyroid may experience frequent bowel movements, while a child with an underactive thyroid may experience constipation.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it’s important to talk to their paediatrician. The doctor may recommend a blood test to check the levels of thyroid hormones in the body. Early diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders can prevent further health issues and ensure healthy growth and development in children.

What Can Parents Do To Ensure Their Child’s Healthy Thyroid Function?

Provide a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining healthy thyroid function. Foods rich in iodine, such as seafood, eggs, and dairy products, can help support healthy thyroid function. In addition, foods rich in vitamin D, such as fatty fish and fortified cereals, can help ensure adequate levels of this important nutrient.

Encourage Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can help support healthy thyroid function. Encourage your child to engage in age-appropriate activities, such as running, jumping, and playing sports.

Ensure Adequate Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for healthy thyroid function. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep each night, and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Manage Stress

Stress can affect thyroid function, so it’s important to help your child healthily manage stress. Encourage relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Parents can help support healthy thyroid function in their children by providing a balanced diet, encouraging physical activity, ensuring adequate sleep, and helping their child healthily manage stress. If you notice any of the above signs of a thyroid problem in your child, it’s important to talk to their paediatrician for early diagnosis and treatment.

Cover image source: freepik



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