24 May 2022 | 6 min Read
Author | 2574 Articles
Being away from your baby for a mere ten minutes is itself a daunting task. Thus, we know how hard it can get to be away from your little one for over 8 hours. However, making that decision to get back to work is probably the hardest part. So, give yourself a pat on the back for you have indeed unlocked an achievement. But don’t worry we’re here to breakdown all those concerns you have or may have after getting back to work.
So, let’s get started, shall we?
1. Breastfeeding:
A good tip to keep in mind is to plan your breastfeeding schedule. It helps feeding the baby before you leave for work and just after you get back. Instruct the babysitter or caregiver not to feed the baby too much right before you arrive as coming home with a full breast and a full baby does not equalize well. Also, by doing this you can plan how much milk to pump. Breast pumps while working is probably a mother’s best friend, so be sure to keep that ready and clean the night before along with your other baby supplies to avoid rushing in the mornings.
2. Staying focused:
When you get back to working after your maternity leave don’t be surprised if you find yourself working more efficiently and finishing things off faster. One reason for this is that by this point you are used to a fast routine and deadlines mean much more to you now. Another reason or rather motivation to finish work early is getting back home to your little one. However, this sometimes could also serve as a distraction when you are constantly thinking about what your baby is eating or doing at home. A good way to get rid of this distraction is to ask your caregiver to keep you updated on all that’s happening, pictures definitely help. Moreover, focusing on work now means you get to be done with work faster and head towards your baby.
3. Dealing with stress:
Dealing with baby stress is hard enough and now you have to deal with work stress as well! Fret not, there are several ways to help you relax and get you back on track. Getting proper sleep is a good start. We know sleep and babies don’t go well, however, getting at least a good 6 hours of sleep is good enough to keep you focused. Another tip is to squeeze in a little exercise into your schedule. Exercise helps keep you energized so try to squeeze in a walk or some cycling while your baby is asleep. Eating the right food and more importantly the right amount helps reduce the stress levels in your body. Most mothers tend to skip meals in a rush, please ensure to avoid this as far as possible and get your accurate nutritional intake. One of the best ways to relieve stress is some alone time. You can do this after you have put your baby to sleep by soaking in a hot bath or watching a movie or even some good old yoga helps de-stress yourself.
4. Dealing with your partner:
Having to take care of an infant plus the added work from your job could result in making your partner feel neglected. A good way to avoid this is by including some couple time at least once a week. Talk to him before you sleep about your work, your day and of course the baby. This way your husband will feel connected with you and understand all that you are going through. It’s also important to remember that you’re in this together and your husband may be going through the same things as you. So, catch up with him by allotting some time, right before you sleep is convenient for most people. Engaging in some couple time together during the weekends is also a good way to keep the romance alive.
5. Post pregnancy wardrobe:
We know this is probably on your mind as you are still getting used to the baby fat you may have. Although it’s important we mention that all bodies are different and hence some of you may indeed not consider this a problem Nevertheless, for those who do, here are few wardrobe styling tips you could keep in your mind while working on your new work attire. It helps wearing button down shirts to work as breastfeeding then becomes a less cumbersome task. You could pair this up with any formal pants. Nothing is a better figure hider than jackets and coats, since this a work attire we’re talking about you’re in luck. Blazers and cardigans go well with formal clothes plus fat coverage is an added benefit. If you opt for wearing kurtas, try carrying dupattas or one with a patterned top to hide any leakage that could occur, in this case you can’t go wrong with blacks. Some people also swear by Spanx, so be sure to give that a try.
6. Daycares and Play schools:
Picking a daycare is perhaps, the hardest of all decisions. Having your baby stay at a daycare while you’re away at work can be hard for a new mom but some things need to be done. While deciding on daycare centers for your tiny tot, recommendations are what to keep in mind. The more recommendations, the better recommended a daycare is the more are the chances of the establishment being descent. It is also important that the daycare is a stone’s throw away from work or from home so you can always drop in and visit your child. There is however, no need to worry about whether your child is safe. A reputed daycare center is sure to take care of all of your child’s needs. Daycares offer services for 6 to 12 hours, you can now, know for sure that your baby is in safe hands for that much time.
With the right support from your husband, family and colleagues making work, work after pregnancy should be easier. Talking to other moms and colleagues with children also helps you get a better understanding on how to go about it. With an organized schedule with regard to your work as well as the baby, you should be doing just fine.
Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.