Kids Doing Chores: What Are The Benefits Of Age Appropriate Chores For Toddlers?

Kids Doing Chores: What Are The Benefits Of Age Appropriate Chores For Toddlers?

28 Sep 2022 | 5 min Read

Manisha Pradhan

Author | 1053 Articles

Chores are necessary routine tasks. When it comes to kids doing chores, it’s always a huge debate. Especially if you live in a joint family with grandparents, they always tend to get protective when it comes to their grandkids. While some parents think kids are incapable of doing household chores or want to finish chores quicker by doing them themselves.

So should kids have chores? The answer is yes! Kids doing chores is beneficial for their overall development. The chores need not be big, it can be as simple as cleaning their toys with their baby wipes or picking up their plates from the table after their meals, but there are many positive benefits of kids doing chores. 

What Are The Benefits Of Kids Doing Chores?

You will be surprised to know how simple household chores for kids can benefit them. Here are some of the lifelong skills that kids doing chores learn.

  1. Responsibility: Chores like cleaning their room or toy boxes teach them to become more self-reliant and responsible. They learn to look after their belongings and their surroundings.
  2. Respect: When kids do childhood chores, they see the amount of time and effort that goes into it. They become more aware of the mess they sometimes create when they are assigned the task of cleaning it up. They will also learn to appreciate and respect parents and elders who work to keep the house in order.
  3. Organisational Skills: When kids are helping with chores like arranging their books, keeping their toys in place or sorting out their crayon boxes, they are learning important organisational skills. They realise that when things are kept back in place and organised, it’s easier to find them when they need them.
  4. Teamwork: When you assign chores to everyone in the household, including your toddler, they learn that managing a house is a team effort. Children also take pride in being included in being a part of the team.
  5. Boost Self Esteem: When you include toddlers and young kids in helping you with chores around the house, it makes them feel important. When children feel they are capable of and trusted to do things or share tasks, it raises their self-esteem.
Kids doing chores
Kids can be given chores like folding their clothes to teach them responsibility/ Image source:

However, kids doing chores is good for their development, but it’s important to give kids age-appropriate chores. With kids doing chores, it’s best to ones according to their ability and age as kids can get frustrated and bored easily if the chores assigned to them are either too easy or too difficult to do. 

What Are The Age Appropriate Chores For Kids?

While toddlers can manage one or two simple tasks, young kids can manage a lot more than we think they can! Here are some age-appropriate chores for kids:

Chores For 2-3-Year-Olds

As mentioned above children this age can handle simple step-by-step tasks. If you have a two to three-year-old at home you can ask them to do simple tasks like

  • Put their toys back in the basket
  • Wipe their toys
  • Wipe tables or spills
  • Water the plants
  • Dust bookshelves

Chores For 4-5-Year-Old Kids

By the time kids are five years old, they can handle more. You can ask your 4-5-year-olds to

  • Empty the trash can
  • Help dry the dishes
  • Pick up their plates after meals
  • Arrange their books in order
  • Clear the table
  • Polish their shoe

Chores For 6-7-Year-Old Kids

Most six to seven-year-olds who have been given chores while they were younger are probably a pro at doing most of the chores mentioned above. In addition to these, you can ask them to

  • Fix a simple breakfast for themselves like cereals and milk or toast and butter
  • Sort the laundry
  • Wash dishes
  • Help with sorting and putting away groceries
  • Set the table
  • Dress without help
  • Whip up some no-fire recipes
  • Pack their school bags

Chores For 8-9-Year-Old Kids

Eight to nine-year-old kids can do most of the everyday household chores independently. Your nine-year-old will probably be able to do the following chores with ease:

  • Make their bed
  • Wash and keep away the dishes
  • Make simple foods like eggs, noodles, pasta, sandwich, etc.
  • Heat food in the microwave
  • Sweep and mop the floor
  • Pack their tiffin boxes and water bottles
  • Fold their clothes
  • Take the garbage out
  • Use a washing machine
  • Watch over a younger sibling
  • Help with the laundry
  • Feeding and walking pets
  • Washing the car
Kids can be given simple chores like sweeping the floor/ Image source:

While it’s nice to see your kids doing chores, parents should keep in mind a few things while teaching kids chores. Kids can get bored easily so here are some tips to keep kids motivated to do household chores.

Dos And Don’ts For Chores For Kids

  • Start by doing chores together
  • Establish a routine
  • Write down a list of chores for your child
  • Be clear about what you want your child to do
  • Show interest in the chore they have completed
  • Praise them when they complete a chore well
  • Switch chores to make it less monotonous
  • Use a reward chart to motivate them
  • Don’t be inconsistent
  • Don’t give them complicated chores
  • Don’t  expect them to be perfect
  • Don’t be stingy with praising them

Just like any other good habits that you want to instil in your child, chores for kids are also an important part of their upbringing. They not only learn important life skills but also feel important since they are contributing to their family in their little ways. The earlier you start childhood chores the more likely they will continue to be responsible lifelong. Remember your kids are little now but they won’t stay that way forever and there will be a time when they will have to do these chores themselves, either when they are in university or living alone, so the sooner you start them the better.

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