5 Monsoon Must-Haves For Your Baby

5 Monsoon Must-Haves For Your Baby

21 Jul 2022 | 3 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

Even though the rainy season brings relief from the summer heat, it’s important for parents to be extra careful about the germs and dirt that are brought by wet umbrellas, wet shoes, damp walls and wet clothes. 

This is when newborn babies are more susceptible to infections and catching colds. From washing their hands properly with antibacterial soap once they’re back from outside before touching the baby to disinfecting clothes and other essentials, parents with newborns at home, need to be extra cautious during the monsoons

Here are some important essentials for your baby’s safety during the monsoons.

5 Baby Monsoon Essentials

1. Mosquito Repellent Spray

No matter what you do to keep away the mosquitoes, a few pesky ones always manage to find their way indoors. Plus, they carry all kinds of diseases, including dengue, and malaria which are very dangerous for babies. Hence, mosquito repellent spray or mosquito repellent patches always come in handy. 

However, it is important to make sure the mosquito repellent spray and patches are baby-safe, chemical free, natural and organic. You can also add some mosquito repellent into the bucket of water with which you mop the room to keep mosquitoes at bay.

2. Clothes

During monsoons, the climatic conditions keep changing. It can get hot during the late mornings and cool during the evenings. Go for suitable monsoon baby clothing as per the weather fluctuations to keep your baby comfortable. You will need to make them wear comfortable loose cotton clothes when it’s sunny and warm clothes when it’s raining. Ensure, you have them ready for monsoons.

3. Wipes for Diaper Change

The humidity and moisture along with the cold weather make babies pee more often. This means that they are going to wet their diapers even more. Hence, you need to change your baby’s diaper more frequently during the monsoon season to prevent bacterial growth.

Use wet wipes to thoroughly clean your little one’s bottom. However, it’s also important to let your baby’s skin breathe. Hence, let the skin dry for about two minutes before you put on the new diaper. Use a natural diaper cream rich in natural oils like neem oil and moringa oil to prevent diaper rashes.

4. Vapour Patch for Nasal Congestion

Monsoons put your baby at a higher risk of catching a cold or the flu which can also result in fever. You may try some home remedies such as steaming or nasal aspirators to ease the cold in your infant prescribed by the doctor. These natural and safe vapour patches are another safe alternative to relieve your child from congestion. They work for up to eight hours.

5. Baby Wash and Oil

Massaging your baby has several benefits including improvement of cognitive performance, reduction of stress behaviour and enhanced sleep. It is also good to do it before bathing your baby. Use a natural massage oil before you bathe your baby.

Make sure you thoroughly clean the baby’s neck, genitals and underarms along with the folds and creases using a natural body wash to prevent the accumulation of sweat. 

Enjoy this monsoon season by using these monsoon must-haves for your baby to keep him or her safe. After all, the happiness of having a healthy baby is purely satisfying.



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