Pineapples: Good Or Bad During Pregnancy

Pineapples: Good Or Bad During Pregnancy

6 Apr 2022 | 3 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

Now with all these rich health benefits, there is obviously a lot of confusion whether or not should a pregnant woman consume pineapple in any form. There is a mixed opinion about this because many people suggest that it is best if pineapple is avoided during pregnancy.

Should You Really Eat Pineapple?

They say that pineapple generates heat and it could be potentially harmful to the growing foetus inside the mother’s womb. But what if you consume little quantity few times a month!

That way it makes it safe to consume these yummy yellow tangy fruits to satisfy your “sour” cravings. In fact, consuming 1-2 cups a week is safe and it great for the baby’s health too.

Benefits Of Consuming Pineapple While You’re Pregnant


It contains a few traces of copper and it helps in the formation of your baby’s little heart.

2.Vitamin C

It is a great citrus fruit which promotes the growth of collagen in your body and enhances immunity.

3.Vitamin B1

It helps in the muscular functions and maintains a healthy functioning nervous system and heart.

4.Vitamin B6

It gives you relief from morning sickness and since it contains antibodies, it is super good for your growing foetus. It helps in the growth of RBC (red blood cells) in your body.

5. Iron and folic

It helps in the overall building of the body and it may help in preventing certain birth defects as well.

Too Much Is Too Bad

Consuming 6 or more cups of pineapple is seriously risky. It contains “Bromelain” which is harmful to your body when you’re pregnant. It has a property of softening your cervix putting you at a great risk of a miscarriage. It further leads to diarrhoea. If you have a sensitive stomach, it could give you an acid reflux or a heartburn.

It also contains ‘high sugar’ which could push you at a risk of having gestational diabetes.

If consumed in a high amount, it could make you overweight because of the high-calorie contents.

There are plenty myths about pineapples being ‘hot food’ as they cause preterm labour or worse…MISCARRIAGE! But there’s no scientific explanation for it. It is the best if you either eat in small quantities of just not eat them at all.

What To Do If I’m Craving Pineapples?

It’s not like you should stop consuming pineapples completely. You can have a small quantity once a week. There are many ways to consume pineapples.

1.If you like some tangy flavour in your pizza, you can always ask for pineapples on your pizza!

2. Smoothie!!! Pineapple smoothies are delicious and it doesn’t even need a lot of the fruit. Just mix a few pineapple chops and blend it with milk and sugar. Voila!

3. Canned pineapples are your last resort. You can buy the canned fruit and it is completely safe for pregnant women as it contains zero ‘Bromelain’. They extract this from the pineapple while processing it. 



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