27 Sep 2022 | 3 min Read
Reema Shah
Author | 740 Articles
Heavy screen use has a lot of drawbacks for both adults and children. The internet creates a learning environment which makes consistent attention impossible and tends to create a mindset that imagination is unnecessary. Hence, a lack of opportunity for imagination in toddlers is not just a loss of creative fun but also has drawbacks for a child’s development. Here are some screen-free activities for toddlers that are bound to give a good time.
While you try these toddler creative activities, know that things can get messy. So just keep a pack of baby wipes handy for convenience.
In today’s digital age, we constantly consume other people’s content. This content consumption continuously is harmful to your child’s imagination. So pick some crafts to plan a tech-free afternoon.
Every family is a powerhouse of talents and that can be easily made into a game. Let those creative juices flow through poetry, singing, storytelling, dancing, gymnastics and more to have fun.
One of the fun screen-free activities for toddlers includes going on a walk in nature without phones. Encourage your little one to use all their senses on the nature walk. Let your toddler smell the flowers, listen to the birds chirping, feel the texture of different trees and observe the different colours along the way.
One of the most fun screen-free activities for toddlers is where the entire family can come together. Go back to an old-fashioned board game which doesn’t involve screens. Board games encourage toddlers in creative problem-solving while also having some playful competition among one another.
Reading is a great activity and we encourage you to make reading books (not e-books) a priority for your kids. Reading comprehension is an important life skill that is, unfortunately, depreciating among the younger generation.
But you can take it a step further by encouraging your little one to ignite his/her imagination and create their own stories. Even if your child is too young to read or write, you can ask them to illustrate their picture books.
Then host a storytelling night, where you make your children share the stories they’ve written with the family.
This is a fun way to get your kids in the kitchen. Simply re-enact your version of any popular cooking TV show. Create a grab-bag of different ingredients and then let your children get creative by cooking up their versions using the ingredients.
Who says cookie decorating and baking only need to happen during the Christmas season? Baking is fun any time of the year and is a great way to get children away from the screen and into the kitchen.
Enjoy these screen-free activities for toddlers to stimulate their senses, improve fine and gross motor skills and more.
Cover Image credit – Canva
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