things you do that might be hindering your child’s natural development

things you do that might be hindering your child’s natural development

19 Apr 2022 | 3 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

No doubt you’ve all been baby shopping, so you would have noticed the size of the market out there that thrives on baby development. One part of it sells necessities like the nappies and clothes that you can’t do without, and the other part of it sells items to make parenting a bit easier. However, sometimes these items that make your job as a parent much easier have an adverse impact on your child. Some of these items are just social constructs that parents have been following for quite a while and breaking away from that may seem difficult. But given the right amount of patience and effort, you’ll be able to do just fine without them.


There has been a millennium long debate about the use of pacifiers with no solid conclusions. It all boils down to your discretion as a parent. Pacifiers are used to avoid listening to your baby cry for prolonged periods of time. Quite a few people believe that it is wrong to stop a baby from crying as it could even impact their personality in the future. They could grow up to be individuals who suppress their feelings. Instead, they advise you to allow your baby to cry themselves to sleep, else they might also get used to the attention and pampering, and come to expect it everytime.

2. Strollers

This might seem like an odd item to have on the list, as it is quite invaluable. You can’t be expected to carry your baby around in your arms everywhere you go. But these days, strollers seem to be misused. You should avoid confining your child to such a closed space for a long period of time. If they’re at an age where they can walk, let them walk beside you, however slow. And when they get tired, you can put them back in the stroller. But do not leave your baby in the stroller for hours together while you run your errands. Being inactive and tied down makes them restless and can hinder physical development as well.

The use of a lot of baby items such as toys and games, as well as a lot of techniques used around children such as baby talk, singing them to sleep and tickling to avoid crying are frowned upon by a parenting school of thought called REI, aka Resources for Infant Educarers. They believe that babies should be treated with respect just as you would treat a fellow adult. This attitude gives them the space to think for themselves and lets their mind evolve at it’s own pace. It helps build creativity and individuality among young adults and allows them to break away from social norms. 



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