This Video Of Babies Laughing Will Make Your Day!

This Video Of Babies Laughing Will Make Your Day!

18 Apr 2022 | 2 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

Your baby might not really appreciate your sense of humour so early on but one thing they can do is laugh. And you have to admit, a baby’s laughter is the best kind of laughter there is.

You might be in need of a cheering up because of a bad day or you might just want to make your already good day better, either way, baby laughing videos are your answer. It’s no surprise that they’re one of the most viral videos on the net. 

Video source: funnyplox (Youtube) 


There are so many types of babies laughter –

– So, we begin with the twin looking at his twin and realizing that they’re going to have to live with each other for the rest of their lives but let’s laugh it up while we still can.

– And babies who laugh at sounds like ripping or fart noises( I think it’s safe to admit, it’s not just babies that crack up for this one..ahem, moving on..) are just adorable!!

– Arguably the best sort of baby laughter is the one where the baby is so breathless because of laughing too hard. I mean, if this doesn’t cheer you up, I doubt you’re human.

– Then There’s the baby that’s scared and amused at equal amounts. Yes, it’s basically how an adult reacts to most situations in daily life. So, the baby is actually adulting if you look at it that way.

– Of Course, let’s not forget the classic tickle-me-till-I-laugh-my-ass-off laughter. There’s also that baby who laughs every time someone sneezes. Yes, sneezes are totally funny. In baby world, you get hit with a contagious laughter rather than a ‘Bless you’, everytime you sneeze and we’ll leave it up to you to decide which one’s better. 



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