Tips For Treating Breathing Problems In Toddlers

Tips For Treating Breathing Problems In Toddlers

11 Oct 2022 | 3 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

Children often catch coughs and colds which are usually harmless and get better in no time. However, children can sometimes also have more serious breathing problems that require urgent treatment. Here are some tips for treating breathing problems in toddlers and when you should worry about it. 

Most coughs and colds in toddlers and babies can usually be treated with home remedies. Plus, you can also use natural vapour patches which are safe to use and can let your little one sleep well.

Symptoms Of Child Breathing Problems

Children having difficulty breathing usually show signs that they are not getting enough oxygen, indicating respiratory distress. Here is a list of some of the signs that may indicate that your child is not getting enough oxygen.

  • If your child is younger than one year old and still has trouble breathing after you cleaned out their nose
  • Is breathing very fast or has trouble breathing when not coughing
  • Has continuous coughing, severe coughing attacks or a barking-type cough
  • Has been diagnosed with a reactive airways disease such as asthma or bronchiolitis 
  • Is making a high-pitched whistle sound or wheezing when breathing out or in
  • Unable to take a deep breath due to chest pain or coughed-up blood
  • Has a fever that stays
  • Draws in their chest muscles or flare their nostrils to breathe
  • Is lethargic
  • Can’t keep fluids down and is vomiting 
  • Has a cold where the symptoms tend to rapidly worsen

Tips To Treat Breathing Problems In Toddlers

1. Control Dehydration

  • Give toddlers water or an electrolyte solution.
  • Give your baby lots of breast milk or formula. Offer it frequently and in small amounts.
  • Toddlers may eat more slowly due to breathing problems, so give them plenty of time.
Breathing Problems In Toddlers and child breathing problems
One of the most important things to take care of for treating breathing problems in toddlers and babies is to keep them well hydrated / Image credit – Pexels

2. Ease Congestion

  • Use a vapour patch or saline nose drops to thin the mucus in a stuffy nose.
  • Use a suction bulb or a nasal-oral aspirator to remove mucus from a baby’s nose.

3. Relieve Breathing

  • Sit in the bathroom with your child by running a hot shower and have your child breathe in the steam.
  • Add moisture to the air by using a cool-mist humidifier near the child.

4. Make Your Child Comfortable

  • If your child is older than six months, use expert-approved medicines to bring down a fever.
  • Keep your toddler away from cigarette smoke.
  • One of the most important things to take care of for treating breathing problems in toddlers is to let them rest.

Try out these tips for treating breathing problems in toddlers. Remember not to panic and seek out medical attention immediately in case your child’s fever is persistent and your child’s wheezing does not seem to go away.

Cover image credit – Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials



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