Mom guilt - You basically never win with yourself . . It is a feeling of being guilty, ‘I shouldn’t have done that’, uncertainty and doubt experienced by every mother when they worry about being a perfect mom or certainly a feeling of failing or falling short of expectations on a day to day basis. . . It is commonly seen in many mothers particularly new, working or single mums the variables that contribute to this phenomenon are numerous and intense. Although it doesn’t matter if you’re a stay at home mum or a working one..every mum feels this guilt. You feel it’s all because of you, should have tried another alternative,should have stayed calm,need to work on your patience levels,shouldn’t have been harsh and what not..agree? . . Use these tips to implement in your life : -Set a tone to talk to your little ones when you loose your cool! (being loud won’t work always) -Get some space from people that cause you constant guilts. -Consider the other person’s word (mostly your spouse, because he can guide you the best) -Take a day out and get some ‘me time’! -Set a routine for your kids so that they know what to expect at that particular time. -Stay can try this once and make it a habit. . . Mom guilts are difficult to handle sometimes and it comes rushing each day. I try not losing my cool but even we mums get tired..we don’t get time for ourselves. . . Read the first is just a long as the baby is happy being with her’re doing great & yes you really are! . . Drop your comments on this and share your experiences! . #youngmomjournal#mamaofsimra#bbcreatorsclub#babychakramom#babychakra#babychakrapost#momguilt#motherhood#parenting
Sadaf Khan
24 Jun 2020