The best feeling in the world is knowing that you are the one who made the baby smile, right?
How wonderful it is to have a baby smile at you, removing every stressful event all day long? My Baby she's like not even leaving me for more then 5 minutes. She wants me to be with her, today I left her and went in the kitchen, she cried loudly and even crawled and came behind me... And see then what to say, she's just staring at me 😳. And as I'm doing my work she started crying... There's a box in the kitchen with a mirror on it. My son he just seats there and makes some funny faces and play with himself alone. Do my baby reached bear him and she too started staring at the mirror and then she adjusted her self by playing with toys. Then as always she touched her bro toys and then he removed those from her, so she started crying. I have to leave my work and went to make her quite... Then the moment she saw me she was so excited, she was like two mama one in the mirror and one out. She was looking at me and in the mirror too...
khushboo chouhan
16 Jan 2020