3 Breastfeeding Positions For First-Time Moms

3 Breastfeeding Positions For First-Time Moms

22 Sep 2022 | 2 min Read

Gazal Riaz Khan

Author | 1 Articles

First-time moms tend to face difficulties in knowing the best position for breastfeeding in one go. But that’s ok, it’s very natural. Here are three breastfeeding positions that first-time moms can try.

· Cradle hold

The cradle hold is the most common and traditional way to breastfeed. In this position, the baby is held in the arm on the side from which the baby is nursing. The head of the baby is allowed to rest in the bend of the elbow, facing the breast. The body of the baby is tuned inwards to you and the head baby’s head that’s well supported while feeding.

· Cross cradle hold

Hold your baby similar to that in the cradle position but support the baby from the side opposite to the breast the baby is being fed. Make sure that the baby’s back is supported by your arm. The other arm is used to support the breast, making it easy for the baby to latch. The baby is turned inwards facing the breast and the head is well supported all the time while feeding.

· Football hold

This position is just the way the name suggests. The baby is tucked under the arms and helps on the side at the waist level. The back of the baby is supported by the arm and the head is tilted up facing the breast that the baby is feeding on. This is one of the most comfortable positions for breastfeeding for mothers who have undergone a C-section.

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