Breastfeeding Tips When Travelling With Your Little One

Breastfeeding Tips When Travelling With Your Little One

10 Nov 2022 | 2 min Read

Dr Janvi shah

Author | 1 Articles

Where travelling with your little one is enjoyed by all parents, breastfeeding them when travelling is worrisome for most mothers. To have comfortable and easy breastfeeding when travelling with your little one here are a few tips that you can follow.

· Start with packing your breastfeeding essentials like cover (e.g. shawls), portable pump, freezable storage bags, feeding bottles, pillows, etc.

· Do not miss out on sanitizing and hygiene essentials.

· Study your travel journey. Research more cafes, baby-essential stores, lounges, etc that fall in your way and are breastfeeding-friendly.

· Dress in comfortable clothing that is easy to breastfeed in.

· If breastfeeding in public is difficult or uncomfortable then practice it at home in front of the mirror multiple times.

· Keep yourself hydrated throughout your journey.

· Take frequent halts to breastfeed your baby as well as to pump the breastmilk so you can feed your little one on the go. Breastmilk can be stored at room temperature for about 4 hours. if your travel time is longer than that, use an insulated cooler with frozen ice packs to store it for up to 24 hours.

· When travelling by plane babies tend to experience pain in their ears while take-off and landing. To manage this, make sure you breastfeed them during the take-off and landing.

· Check with your gynaecologist or lactation expert for the travel medicines that you carry for travel sickness or any other illnesses.

· Take plenty of rest when travelling to support your breastmilk supply.

· Avoid consuming tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks as they can affect your breastmilk supply.

· Lastly, pay equal attention to your diet and hydration.

Along with these simple helpful tips make sure you consult your lactation expert or gynaecologist for any special instructions needed before travelling with your little one.



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