Can Severe Headaches Hint At Preeclampsia?

Can Severe Headaches Hint At Preeclampsia?

12 Oct 2022 | 2 min Read

Dr Lakshmi Godbole

Author | 1 Articles

Every pregnant woman is bound to experience headaches during the 9 months. These headaches could be a result of hormonal changes, changes in blood circulation, blood pressure, fatigue, dehydration, side effects of medication, lack of sleep, etc.

It but natural to worry about these headaches as you do not want any complications during your pregnancy. Mild headaches that go away easily aren’t a problem but if the headache is accompanied by other severe symptoms, it could be indicative of complications.

One such complication is preeclampsia which occurs mainly after the 20th week of pregnancy.  Women that suffer from preeclampsia have other severe symptoms that are accompanied by severe headaches.

These symptoms include abdominal pain, high blood pressure, an unusual or sudden increase in weight, unusual swelling in the legs, feet, hands, and face, nausea, vomiting, presence of protein in the urine.

The headaches experienced in preeclampsia aren’t the usual ones, they resemble the headaches experienced in migraine. Women with preeclampsia experience throbbing long-lasting headaches and sensitivity to light.

Preeclampsia can lead to damage to the kidney or liver and lower the platelet count. This can hamper the clotting mechanism in the body and also lead to other related complications.

In case of any such sign please contact your doctor immediately and also remember not all headaches lead to severe complications. It’s important to pay attention to other signs too.

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