17 Oct 2022 | 2 min Read
Dr Rupali Satija
Author | 3 Articles
Your postpartum journey is as important as your pregnancy. It’s very important to take equal care of yourself even after childbirth.
Here are a few easy tips to prevent C-section incision or vaginal stitch infection and Breast care.
Infection care-
Women who have undergone C-section might experience scar tenderness that may go away after a few weeks. To prevent any kind of infection around this c-section incision/ stitches its important that you keep that area clean and dry, in case of a bandage change the bandage regularly, and discuss with your doctor.
On the overhand, the women who have undergone vaginal delivery and have a stitch in that area, sit in warm water to manage the pain caused by the stitches and keep the area clean and dry all the time.
In addition to that irrespective of the type of delivery (C-section or vaginal delivery) change the pads regularly till the time you have a discharge and in case you feel that the discharge has increased or has become odorous then consult your gynecologist immediately.
Breast care-
One of the most frequently asked questions, especially with young ladies is “How to take care of the breast while feeding?” as you tend to experience secretion from the body, pain, and tenderness. To manage this firstly keep the area clean, in case you experience a lot of discharge and the breast feels very heavy then massage your breast gently, and if there’s an excess of milk then drain some amount of milk or store it in the refrigerator for a while.
Additionally, breastfeed your baby frequently (8-12 times a day for a newborn), feed from both sides to prevent breast engagement, make sure your baby is latching to your breast properly to prevent nipple soreness and pain, and lastly examine your breast frequently for lumps, redness, or any discomfort.
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