Is Your Child Anxious About Going Back to School? Here’s How You Can Help

Is Your Child Anxious About Going Back to School? Here’s How You Can Help

23 Aug 2022 | 3 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

The transition of going back to class after a long break can be a stressful time for both children and parents. While it can be exciting for some kids, others may be anxious about going back to school. This is common in those kids who are starting at a new school or are already feeling anxious about being away from their parents. Here are some tips to help a child with anxiety about school.

How To Identify Anxiety

Here are some signs of anxiety that your child could have about going back to school-

  • Complaining of stomach pain
  • Fidgeting and restless
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Express worries and show negative behaviour
  • Easily getting angry
  • Mood swings and upset
  • Trouble to concentrate

5 Tips To Help A Child Anxious About Going Back To School

1. Familiarise Them With The New Routine

One of the reasons for your child to feel anxious about going back to school could be because of the uncertainty regarding what to expect. Hence, as parents, you must make your child feel comfortable about the new school environment and get them used to the new routine. You might also want to show your child to route to school to cool things down. 

2. Stay Calm And Positive

help a child with anxiety about school
To help a child with anxiety about school, visit the school with their child beforehand to familiarise them with the surroundings / Credit – Canva

Leaving an anxious child at school can be tough and worrying for any parent. However, most kids are very resilient and they can cope. Most kids recover quickly once their parent leaves.

If your child’s teacher shares that your little one bounces back and enthusiastically participates in activities throughout the day,  stop worrying too much about their complaints. This is the best way to help them get more confident about separating from you while they go to school.

3. Assure Them They Aren’t Alone

Remind your child that he/she is not the only one who may be anxious about starting school again. There are going to be other students who maybe be just as anxious about starting the first day of school. Let them know that the class teacher will be there for support and help students feel more comfortable as they adjust into the new classroom.

4. Manage Your Stress

back to school
Parents too can be anxious about going back to school for their child and self-managing stress can ease the situation / Credit – Canva

For parents, the start of the year at school can cause anxiety too. The pressure on managing sleep schedule, assignments, and meals after the summer break and arranging for new activities can get overwhelming.

It’s advisable for parents to ensure they don’t pass on that stress to their kids. So to manage your stress, take on more commitments than what can be comfortably handled.

5. Listen to Your Child’s Worries

When your child expresses his/her anxiety about going back to school or a new teacher, the load of homework, a team project, or about friends at school — do listen carefully. Rather than ignoring your child’s fears, listen to him/her and acknowledge their feelings. This will help your child feel more secure. You can even help to strategise how to handle things they’re worried about to boost their confidence.

If your child is anxious about going back to school, communicate with your child and acknowledge their feelings. Come up with a plan so that the journey is smooth for both you and your child.



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