Monkeypox In Toddlers And How To Prevent Its Spread At Home

Monkeypox In Toddlers And How To Prevent Its Spread At Home

21 Sep 2022 | 4 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

Monkeypox in toddlers is the latest scare when it comes to kids’ health. Not just young children but pregnant women and those with a weak immune system or with severe eczema are at higher risk to get infected with monkeypox.

It’s therefore important to maintain proper hygiene to protect children from monkeypox. It’s advisable to keep their hands clean at all times, use a natural foaming wash for the same or in places where you have no access to water, packing natural baby wipes to clean their hands is a good idea.

What Is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a disease caused as a result of the monkeypox virus. It is known by the name since it was discovered in lab monkeys in 1958. The monkeypox virus is similar to the one that causes smallpox. However, it is less contagious and usually causes a milder disease.

Monkeypox cases were most common in central and western Africa in the past. It was also common among those who recently travelled to those areas, and people who had contact with imported animals. At present, however, it is spreading outside of Africa among people who have not travelled or even had any contact with imported animals.

Symptoms of Monkeypox

Some common monkeypox symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Rashes. 

The rash starts as the flat spots turn into bumps, which then get filled with fluid. Some toddlers also develop spots that look like pimples or blisters before they develop other symptoms. The bumps tend to crust and fall off as they heal. However, the rash can be painful and itchy. Usually, one feels better in about two to four weeks. However, at times the virus can make a child very ill.

How Does Monkeypox Spread?

The monkeypox virus usually spreads from close contact with those who are infected which includes both people and animals.

One can become infected if they:

  • Come in contact with blood or body fluids. If you use bedding or any other items that are contaminated by the virus.
  • If you breathe in the virus.

It can take about five to twenty-one days after exposure for the monkeypox symptoms to start.

monkeypox in toddlers
Fever is one of the most common symptoms of monkeypox in toddlers along with a rash / Credit – Canva

Can Monkeypox Be Prevented?

The smallpox vaccines are effective against monkeypox infection. There are vaccines which help prevent both smallpox and monkeypox.

As with many germs, washing hands correctly and often, wearing a mask and avoiding contact with sick people and animals can help protect someone from getting the monkeypox virus.

How Is Monkeypox Treated?

A person infected with monkeypox needs to stay home and maintain a safe distance from other household members to avoid infecting anyone else. They may be advised by the doctor to take over-the-counter medicines for fever, pain or itching. It is important to stay well hydrated too.

Doctors usually prescribe antiviral medicine for people who are at a higher risk of falling very sick from monkeypox.

How To Prevent The Spread Of Monkeypox At Home?

  1. According to the CDC, if your child does get a monkeypox infection, he/she should be closely monitored and isolated from the rest of the family members.
  2. It is better to cover the lesions so that children do not end up scratching them. 
  3. If there’s another person in the same house who has been diagnosed with monkeypox, following good hygiene practices is a must.
  4. Those affected should wear a mask even in the house when they are around others. 
  5. The person should be isolated and quarantined in a separate room. Avoid sharing bathrooms as well.

It is also advised that children with eczema or other skin conditions wear long sleeves to cover their skin as much as they can.

Avoid sharing the bathroom if there are symptoms of monkeypox in any family member / Credit – Canva

When To Call The Doctor?

Kids can develop rashes due to many different causes. If you see that someone in your family has developed a new rash that appears like pimples or blisters or could be other possible symptoms of monkeypox, call your doctor.

Tell the doctor if someone else in your family has had contact with a member diagnosed with monkeypox.

Cover image credit – Healthshots



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