5 Reasons Why Your Toddler Keeps Waking Up At Night

5 Reasons Why Your Toddler Keeps Waking Up At Night

14 Oct 2022 | 3 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

Every parent has experienced the dreaded midnight call by their children. While most babies are capable of sustained sleep which is about 6-8 hours in a row at night by the age of six months, there can be some disturbed nights as well. Especially, if you are nursing your child, it may take them a bit longer to achieve this. Read on to find out why your toddler keeps waking up at night. 

5 Common Reasons For Toddler Sleep Concerns

1. Stuffy Nose

Toddlers are prone to colds. So, be prepared to occasionally have sleep troubles because of a scratchy throat or a stuffy nose. These problems are especially common in high altitudes and desert climates, or even when you’re running the heater on cold winter nights.

2. Hunger

This happens in children who are drinking a bottle or two of milk or nursing for extended periods at night. They are conditioned to expect food at night so they end up waking up. If your toddler is over one, healthy, feeding multiple times at night and requiring diaper changes, this is likely your problem.

3. Medical Issues

Most common medical problems are overlooked as a cause of sleep disruption. If your child coughs repeatedly at night they may have asthma which needs to be treated. Acid reflux can be linked to belly pain and vomiting at night. Obstructive sleep apnea is also a common problem associated with snoring which can disrupt sleep.

4. Teething

When those toddler canines and molars come in, it can be tough. Like a headache, teething in toddlers is typically easy to ignore in the daytime, but can throb at night, waking up toddlers.

toddler sleep concerns
Noise in the room where your toddler sleeps at night can be a reason why your toddler keeps waking up at night / Image credit – Canva

5. Environmental Factors

This tends to be obvious if there is a TV on in the room. You need to take it out of the room where your toddler sleeps. Plus, if there is loud noise from neighbours or the road outside, your toddler can wake up at night. Even when your child shares the room with a sibling or parent who makes a lot of noise, disturbance in sleep is common. Additionally, if the room is too hot or cold it can also be a factor for your toddler to wake up at night.

If you find that your toddler keeps waking up at night, see if it is because of one of these factors and take care.

Cover image credit – Pexels



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