6 Ways To Welcome New Year With Kids

6 Ways To Welcome New Year With Kids

20 Dec 2022 | 3 min Read

Manisha Pradhan

Author | 1053 Articles

We’re not the only ones excited to bid 2022 adieu, everyone gets excited about the New Year and the celebrations to bring it in. If you are a mum and have little kids at home, chances are you may welcome the new year with kids at home instead of going out partying. ways to welcome New Year with kids need not be boring. 

You can have a fun New Year celebration at home with these ideas to welcome New Year with kids. 

Ways To Welcome New Year With Kids

The most beautiful and meaningful celebrations are the simple ones with your family.  You new year celebrations at home can be super fun. Here’s how.

1. Have A Slumber Party

New Year With Kids
Re-live childhood memories by building cushion and pillow tent/Image source: freepik

For most of us, our best childhood memories are building those indoor camps with cushions, pillows, blankets or bedsheets. Why not re-live those wonderful memories with your kids? Pull out the blankets or bedsheets, pillows and cushions and create a tent in the living room. Keep some of the family’s favourite snacks ready and snuggle inside the tent with books to read or board games to play together.

2. Paint Glow In The Dark T-Shirts

Get set for the lights to go off at midnight to ring in the New Year. A glow-in-the-dark t-shirt is a fun thing to wear when the lights are off. Buy some glow-in-the-dark paints and t-shirts for everyone in the family, and spend the evening painting them with designs you and your kids choose. Flaunt your t-shirt before you ring in the New Year. 

3. Create A Year Gone By Video

Put together a year-gone-by slideshow using all your family’s favourite pictures from the year, and add music to make it more interesting. Watch your family slideshow together as a family on New Year’s eve with a bucket of homemade popcorn. Wearing comfy pyjamas for this activity is a great idea!

4. Make A Memory Scrapbook

Involve your kids in creating a year-gone-by scrapbook to ring in the new year with kids/Image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk

Creating a scrapbook of the year’s most memorable moments is a great way to spend New Year’s Eve with your kids. Involve your kids in writing down the memories and sticking photos and stickers and decorating the scrapbook. 

5. Create A Thankful Jar

A thankful jar is a wonderful way to teach kids to be thankful for the people who love them, the things they have, their friends and their family. While most people like to create a resolution list, a thankful jar is a better idea. You can have kids write down what they are thankful for about the year gone by on small pieces of paper, they can read it out loud for everyone and drop the note in a clear glass jar. 

6. Create A Resolution Tree

Most people usually put their Christmas trees away after New Year, you can give your Christmas tree a twist and turn it into a resolution tree! Take down the ornaments and put up New Year’s resolutions instead. Ask your kids to write down all their resolutions, while you write yours as well. Then tie all these little notes to the tree. 

Cover image source: freepik



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