When Should You Stop Bathing With Toddlers

When Should You Stop Bathing With Toddlers

19 Oct 2022 | 3 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

Have you ever wondered: “When should I stop bathing with my toddler?” It is a common question many parents ask themselves. Bathing with children is a popular and fun activity, but when or how do you back out? While there is no suggested age to stop bathing with your child, they are dependent on a few factors. Read on to find out more about when to stop giving your toddler a bath and when you should also stop getting into the same shower as them.

When To Stop Bathing With Toddlers 

1. When You Child Starts Feeling Uncomfortable

Taking cues from your child is very helpful. If your child has started commenting and feeling awkward and uncomfortable around you when they are naked, then you must refrain from changing or bathing in front of them.

2. When You as a Parent Feel Uncomfortable

The feeling of awkwardness between you and your toddler is mutual. It is normal to start feeling uncomfortable being naked in front of your older children. So if you as a parent feel that being naked in front of your toddler is embarrassing, then you can encourage them to shower on their own and stop bathing with them.

3. Family Situation 

Every family is different and hence every parent must take into account what is right for their child and their family. There are some families that do not indulge in activities like bathing with the kids. However, families who are comfortable showering with kids must teach their children the importance of their bodies and their parents’ body. As a parent, you must instil confidence in them to love their bodies and teach them about consent and respect. 

4. When Your Child Is Ready to Go to School

At school, the safety of children is taken care of by the staff. They will also make friends who will have different lifestyles than theirs. Many of their friends may have never showered with their parents, and if your toddler happens to reveal this to them, it could lead to a lot of queries. 

Hence, when kids start school, they need to learn that they have to safeguard themselves from being vulnerable. Educate your child about body parts and that no stranger or person other than their parents, should be allowed to look at them.

bathing with toddlers and toddler a bath
Stop giving your toddler a bath when you both feel embarrassed about being in the shower together / Image credit – Canva

5. When Your Child Starts Asking Questions

There may be times when your child starts giggling, and ask questions about your private parts. Your child may also make comments about your body parts as they look different from what they have. Boys will have questions to ask their mothers about why their private parts look different, and girls may ask the same questions to their fathers. It is appropriate to answer these questions as a parent and then you can stop showering with them.

Once parents stop bathing with toddlers, the bathroom will probably resemble a war zone as they bathe alone. Toddlers may spend a hefty chunk of their shower time just playing and that can drive you crazy. However, it is a part of the learning process, and it will get better with time.

Cover Image credit – Canva



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