4 Ways To Beat Your Stress And Enjoy Motherhood

4 Ways To Beat Your Stress And Enjoy Motherhood

13 Apr 2018 | 4 min Read

Aritra Raj

Author | 14 Articles

The moment we become a Mom, we inevitably become the perpetual worrier too. It starts from “why is she pooping every hour” to ” oh my God, she didn’t burp after her meal” and then there are milestone worries – “My  child is already one but is not yet walking”, “should I put her in a play school or homeschool her?”and the list continues.

Apart from the ‘mommy worries’ , there are other stresses in life , which could be related to work, in-laws, maid or our husband. So, yes life is not a bed of roses and all the accumulated stress can take a toll on our health, especially the heart. But hey, we belong to the mom tribe and we are here to rule.

So, let’s set the right example for our little ones by teaching them the importance of self care. Remember, how in the safety instructions they always say ‘put on your mask first’. Similarly, in the family scenario too, you must do that. To be able to give the best to your children and hubby, you need to be in the pink of your health.

Bust the Stress!

One of the major causes of heart ailments is stress. Stress  releases hormones, which may be responsible for high blood pressure and palpitations, so you need to act before its late.

Now, it’s impossible to tell a mommy to switch off her stress button. Anxiety is our second nature and we can’t help it. So, let’s move on to the ways how we can de-stress. If the kids (or whoever) have successfully driven you high up on the wall, instead of sticking there, immediately get down , and do the following:

  • Take a chill pill.
  • Call a friend and catch up over coffee
  • If your friend is unavailable, just drive around yourself.
  • May be indulge in some window shopping.
  • Go to a bookstore, grab a book or a magazine and sit and read for a while.
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Laugh out loud
  • Spa is a good option too, maybe once or twice a month.

However, if the reason for your acute stress is serious, vent it out. Call your mom and talk. If you don’t want to bother her, what are friends for? The bottom line is don’t bottle up. Cry your heart out.

Be Symptom Smart

Do you feel breathless often?
Do you experience pain in your arms often?
Are you always fatigued and feel dizzy?

Don’t procrastinate . Get yourself checked. Along with pap smear and mammography, going for routine heart screening and blood tests are essential too.

Exercise is the Tribute to your Heart

Exercise is the key to a healthy heart. If you are not a gym goer, there are alternatives. How about yoga or pilates? Or maybe, you could join dance classes with your little one? Do what you really enjoy!

And if you are like me, who doesn’t like to go to the gym or amidst all the juggling act, can’t find enough time to join any kind of work out session , do it yourself at home.

Wake up a little earlier than usual and give 45 minutes to yourself. Simple breathing exercises, brisk walking, climbing up and down the steps are some of the ‘manageable’ ways to get started.

You’re What you Eat

I , for one can never compromise on food. But then again, after a point, we need to check what we are eating.

After I got my high cholesterol report, I have stopped butter and have started stocking margarine. Banned deep fried from my diet and now relish the grilled stuff instead. So, yes, make tweaks and adjustments in your diet, without having to starve or make do with food that don’t suit your taste buds. Visit a dietitian, if need be and ask her to make a diet chart for you that is easy to follow.

So, let’s make a pledge to live heartily, and omit the negative patterns from our life . Three cheers to a healthy motherhood!


Also read: Stressful Life? 5 Foods That Ensures Brain Health

Explore the entire collection of articles: Mom Health


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