Benefits Of Including Almonds In Pregnancy Diet

Benefits Of Including Almonds In Pregnancy Diet

22 Sep 2022 | 2 min Read

Dt Sarika Nair

Author | 1 Articles

Almost are the most extensively used and highly popular kind of tree nuts. They are added to diets of all age groups. This tree nut is rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, magnesium, manganese, proteins, and fiber. It contains almost all the essential nutrients required during pregnancy by the expecting mother as well as the developing fetus.

Almonds being highly rich in antioxidants prevent oxidative stress that can lead to cell damage and inflammation.

Almonds also contain copper and iron along with vitamins that support the production of haemoglobin in the body, hence lowering the risk of anemia during pregnancy.

Riboflavin, phenylalanine, and L-carnitine are 3 components in almonds that support brain development and cognitive functions of the brain.

The magnesium present in the almonds helps regulate blood sugar levels. For the women already suffering from type 2 diabetes, adding almonds to the diet during pregnancy can help stabilize the blood sugar and reduce the risk caused by high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

Magnesium also plays a role in lowering blood pressure. Women with high blood pressure can manage the condition by adding almonds to their daily diet.

Almonds are also known to reduce cholesterol. By doing so it reduces the risk of heart diseases and pregnancy complications resulting from high cholesterol.

Almonds are rich in folic acid that plays an important role in the growth and development of the fetus. It also prevents birth defects and complications caused by folic acid deficiency.

Lastly, almonds are a great choice for weight loss and weight management. Almonds being rich in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates help to curb the appetite and reduce craving that’s highly experienced during pregnancy.

Almonds are a complete pack of essential vitamins and nutrients needed to support your health, especially during pregnancy.

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