8 Months Pregnancy: Symptoms, Belly, Baby’s Development

8 Months Pregnancy: Symptoms, Belly, Baby’s Development

30 Aug 2022 | 5 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

One of the important things to know is that the 8th month of pregnancy in weeks is about thirty-two weeks. At 8 months of pregnancy, the mum may feel tired and have a more difficult time breathing as her uterus grows upward. Other than that, she may get varicose veins which are either blue or red swollen veins that happen commonly in the legs. These are known as haemorrhoids and can be painful and itchy. They may also be a reason for bleeding at 8 months pregnant.

What Happens During Week 29 – 30?

At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is continuing to gain weight with added fat and muscle. They’re also busily strengthening their little bones. Meanwhile, you may be feeling extra tired and your doctor may advise you to increase your iron and calcium intake.

What Happens During Week 31 – 32?

At about 30 weeks32 weeks of pregnancy, you may get fake contractions and feel that your bump tightens up for 20 to 30 seconds. Then your stomach will relax again. These contractions are known as Braxton Hicks contractions and are commonly referred to as “practice contractions”.

8 Months OF Pregnancy and 8 months pregnant small belly
Some 8 months pregnant symptoms include dizziness and haemorrhoids / Credit – Canva

8 Months Pregnant Symptoms

Here are some 8th-month pregnancy symptoms-

  • Increase in urination. As your baby moves lower, it may put more pressure on your bladder
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Varicose veins
  • Shortness of breath. The space in your abdomen gets tighter as your uterus grows bigger
  • Stretching of skin 
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Dizziness
8 Months of Pregnancy and back pain in the 8th month of pregnancy
Eat fibre-rich foods like beet and carrot at 8 Months Of Pregnancy / Credit – Canva

Eight Months Pregnancy: Baby Growth & Bodily Changes

Your baby is about 18 to 20 inches long this month and is gaining about half a pound a week. When you’re eight months pregnant, your baby may weigh anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds.

It’s very important to have a healthy 8th month of pregnancy diet. Include fibre-rich fruits and vegetables like beet, carrot, oranges and apple in your diet to overcome constipation problems. Including Omega-3 fatty acids or supplements is also necessary to boost your baby’s brain development. By having a healthy diet, you’re also boosting your own energy levels and building strength. 

Your growing belly might slow you down from time to time, but eating right can give you the strength you need to keep up a moderate exercise routine, which, in turn, can help you sleep better at night.

Your Baby Bump At 8 Months Pregnancy

You’re in the home stretch and your belly is probably feeling the effects of it! Grow baby, grow! Your excitement and anticipation are at their peak, along with the size of your belly.

However, at 8 months pregnant, a small belly is also normal. You may feel like you don’t look pregnant yet, even if you’re already into your second trimester, but it’s important to know that there isn’t a specific time when moms-to-be are supposed to start showing.

Also read: Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Fetal Development At 8 Months Pregnancy

The fetus will continue to mature and develop body fat reserves. You may notice that your baby is kicking more. Baby’s brain is developing rapidly at this time, and they can see and hear.

Fetal Movement At 8 Months Pregnancy

The movements you do feel can be more painful as the baby stretches against your ribs and organs. These movements are now so strong they may be visible on the outside! Hence back pain in the 8th month of pregnancy is very common.

Twins At 8 Months Pregnancy

The 8-month fetus weight of each twin is about 1.7kg (3.7lb) and measures about 42cm (16.5in) from head to foot. Also, there may be a chance that one twin is bigger than the other

8 Month of Pregnancy Quick List

  • Look for a paediatrician for your baby
  • Start looking for childcare options
  • Eat healthy food
  • Exercise and stay hydrated
  • Learn about breastfeeding
  • Make a checklist of things you’ll need to put in your hospital bag 
  • Track your due date
8 months of pregnancy , 8-month start from which week
At 8 Months Of Pregnancy, you can educate yourself about breastfeeding / Credit – Pexels

When To See A Doctor

Your doctor might ask you to schedule prenatal care appointments during the third trimester once every 2 or 4 weeks. It also depends on your health and pregnancy history. Starting at 36 weeks, you’ll need weekly checkups until you deliver.

Things to Note
The 8 months of pregnancy period is a great time to celebrate your pregnancy, so enjoy. As you move towards your big day, your body will change to suit your growing baby. Take some time off to pamper yourself and feel special, as you are left with very few days to meet your bundle of joy!


What is my baby doing at 8 months pregnant?
When you’re eight months pregnant, your little one is quickly gaining weight and fat, and he’s getting closer to his eventual birth weight. The fine hair called lanugo that has covered his tiny body over the past few weeks starts to disappear. The hair on his head may now be starting to grow instead.

Is the baby fully developed at 8 months?
Most internal systems at 8 months of pregnancy are well developed. However, the lungs may still be immature.

Why 8th month is critical in pregnancy?
The complete development of the baby’s vital organs and brains such as heart, lungs, eyes, immune system and kidneys takes place in the 8th month of pregnancy which makes it important.

What should you not do in the 8th month of pregnancy?
Avoid hot yoga, eating big meals and avoiding raw fish and cheeses are some of the things you should avoid at 8 months of pregnancy.

Which week is best for delivery?
Being pregnant for about 39 weeks gives time for your baby’s body to develop. The baby’s important organs, like lungs, brain and liver development in the womb within this time frame.

How should I sleep in the 8th month of pregnancy?
Sleep on your left side as it improves circulation and is the best.



Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.