4 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development And More

4 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development And More

22 Aug 2022 | 5 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

At 4 weeks pregnant, you are in your first trimester when the embryo grows and develops within the lining of your womb. It marks the first month of your pregnancy when the outer cells reach out to form links with your blood supply. The inner cells form into 2, and then later into 3 layers.

Your Baby’s Development at 4 Weeks

At 4 weeks pregnant, the embryo grows and develops within the lining of your womb. The outer cells reach out to form links with your blood supply. The inner cells then form into two layers first and later into three layers.

How big is your baby at 4 weeks pregnant?

At four weeks pregnant, your baby or the newly implanted embryo is very tiny. It is about 0.04 only inches long, the size of a poppy seed. Keep track of the changes in pregnancy week by week. 

Pregnancy Week 4 Fetal Development

The fetus at 4 weeks is a rapidly dividing ball of cells known as a blastocyst.  The fetus begins to burrow into the uterine lining called the endometrium. This process is called implantation. Within the blastocyst, the inner group of cells will become the embryo.

at 4 weeks pregnant
Communicate with your partner about how both of you are feeling at 4 weeks pregnant / Credit – Canva

Your Common Symptoms This Week

One of the most common 4th-week pregnancy symptoms is a missed period which is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. Plus, there is also a metallic taste in your mouth. Sore breasts along with nausea which is morning sickness can also happen at any time.

However, it is also possible that at 4 weeks pregnant no symptoms are there which is also completely normal.

Also read: Week 5 Pregnancy Symptoms

Body At Week 4 Of Pregnancy

As your baby develops, your body will produce more of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is present in your blood about seven to eleven days after conception. It gets released from the cells that eventually turn into the placenta.

At 4 weeks, the normal hCG levels should range between 5 and 426 mIU/mL. Try using an ovulation calculator to see your most fertile days.

at 4 weeks pregnant
Talk to your doctor about what medicines are safe at 4 weeks pregnant / Credit – Canva

4 Weeks Pregnant Belly

At four weeks pregnant, the belly might be a little bloated. However, you usually don’t look pregnant yet. However, you must care for yourself and the baby growing inside you. 

4 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound: Do You Need It?

At 4 weeks pregnant, the cells have multiplied rapidly and now the embryo is taking shape. There is not yet a transparent sac on the 4-week pregnant ultrasound scan. 

Self-Care Tips For Four Weeks Pregnancy

  • Follow Your Care Provider’s Instructions
  • Eat Well
  • Stay Active
  • Get Some Rest
  • Check-In With Your Partner
  • Journal Your Feelings
4 weeks pregnant
At 4 weeks pregnant, you are in your early stage of pregnancy and hence you must express your feelings to your loved ones and the doctor / Credit – Canva

Pregnancy Checklist At 4 Weeks Pregnant

Take a Pregnancy Test
If you haven’t already, test now to confirm that you’re pregnant. For the most accurate results, wait until a few days after you miss your period before you take a pregnancy test, and use your first-morning pee.

Eat to Strengthen Your Digestive System

If you’re plagued by gas, bloating, or an uncomfortable sensation in your gut, try eating smaller meals throughout the day. Eat slowly and chew your food well, don’t drink too +much water during meals, and avoid carbonated beverages, gum, and the artificial sweetener sorbitol. Exercise, like walking or yoga, can also provide relief.

Go For a Prenatal Appointment

When you get a positive pregnancy test, call your doctor and schedule your first prenatal appointment. Many doctors will ask you to visit them when you’re about 8 weeks pregnant. However, in case of any medical conditions, the doctor will see you sooner.

Take Pregnancy-Safe Medicines

Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of medicine during pregnancy. If there’s any medication you have been taking, ask your doctor about its safety during pregnancy. 

What To Ask Your Doctor?

Ask your doctor about the medicines that are safe to take, what you should avoid eating, how much weight you should gain and what exercises you can do during pregnancy.


At 4 weeks pregnant, the phase can seem like a difficult waiting game. It’s easy to compare your journey with other friends and family members. However, you need to keep in mind that each pregnancy and each woman is unique. What may have worked or been a problem for someone else might not apply in your situation.

If you ever have any questions during pregnancy, you must first reach out to your doctor. 


What should you be feeling at 4 weeks pregnant?
Breast tenderness can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. It usually starts around 4 to 6 weeks and lasts through the first trimester.

How does your tummy feel at 4 weeks pregnant?
Abdominal pressure may appear this week, and as the cluster of cells that will soon become your baby burrows into your uterine lining, you may also spot some implantation bleeding.

Can you get a positive pregnancy test at 4 weeks?
By the time you’re 4 weeks pregnant, you can usually get a clear positive on a urine pregnancy test.
Are 4 weeks too early to tell the family?
Announcing your pregnancy at 4 weeks is considered quite an early pregnancy announcement. This is because at 4 weeks pregnant could be 2 weeks pregnant.

What are the maximum days to confirm pregnancy?
At least 21 days after having unprotected sex are enough to confirm pregnancy.



Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.