9 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Signs And Baby Growth

9 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Signs And Baby Growth

25 Aug 2022 | 5 min Read

Reema Shah

Author | 740 Articles

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the expecting mum can experience extreme tiredness, mood swings and a metallic taste in her mouth. Your baby is about the size of a peanut which is 0.70 inches at 9 weeks pregnant. Your baby’s head is more erect and the neck is more developed. The bones are soft but your baby’s skeleton is also forming. The 9 weeks fetus also develops little eyelids and a nose.

Your Baby’s Development At 9 Weeks

At 9 weeks pregnant, the head, neck and bones are developing. During an ultrasound at 9 weeks, you might see your baby’s movements. However, some mums can’t feel it yet.

How big is your baby at 9 weeks pregnant?

At 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby has grown to about 22mm long from head to bottom.

Pregnancy Week 9 Fetal Development

At 9 weeks pregnant, the hands and feet of the baby are developing. Plus, the major internal organs like the gut, heart, brain, kidneys, lungs and gut, continue developing. 

9 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

There are several 9 weeks pregnant symptoms that occur and it is normal for it to happen in some mums. Here are some of the common symptoms-

  • morning sickness
  • metallic taste in the mouth
  • extreme tiredness
  • mood swings
  • heightened sense of smell
  • sore breasts
  • headache
  • changes in the likes and dislikes for food and drinks

Your Body At Week 9 Of Pregnancy

Your breasts will be bigger now and your waist may be thickening a little. The rise in pregnancy hormones may still be causing you to feel unwell. However, this will not last forever. In a month, you’ll be entering the second trimester when usually expecting mums start to feel much better.

9 Weeks Pregnant Belly

The 9 weeks pregnant belly may not have a distinctive rounded look. However, your pre-pregnancy clothes might probably feel a little tight due to the thickening waistline and bloating.

9 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound: Do You Need It?

Not only will you get a glimpse of a baby through the 9 weeks pregnant ultrasound, but your doctor will also confirm that the pregnancy is uterine which means no signs of ectopic or tubal pregnancy.

Self-Care Tips For 9 Weeks Pregnancy

  • Try getting enough sleep
  • Try meditation
  • Eat healthy meals throughout the day that have more protein and less sugar.
  • Get some exercise
  • Spend quality time with your partner, family and friends.
9 weeks pregnant and 9 weeks 3 days pregnant feeling movement
At 9 weeks pregnant, you may get emotional and have mood swings, meditating helps you deal with it / Credit – Canva

Also read: 10 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Checklist At 9 Weeks Pregnant

Watch out for Household Chemicals

There are some cleaning products, paint, pesticides, solvents and lead present in drinking water from old pipes that can be harmful to your pregnancy.

Start Walking

Walking is a safe activity you can continue doing throughout your entire pregnancy and it is an easy way to start exercising if you haven’t previously been active. Continue walking if you’ve been doing it as a part of the exercise.

Connect With Your Baby

It’s not too early to start bonding with your baby at 9 weeks pregnant. Take some time every day to sit quietly and focus on the life growing inside you. Talk to your partner and plan for the kind of parent you want to be. Or you may want to journal or write a letter to your baby.

9 weeks pregnant symptoms come and go
At 9 weeks pregnant, you and your partner can start talking to your baby inside and build a stronger bond/ Credit – Canva

Talk To Your Partner

Though your partner may never understand all the realities of pregnancy, they can still bond with your baby before birth. You can involve your partner in your pregnancy by making them read pregnancy books, encouraging them to talk to the baby or even look at pregnancy apps together. Then you can both make joint decisions.

What To Ask Your Doctor?

Ask questions about your week-by-week pregnancy progress, diet, exercise and more. You might want to try a pregnancy month calculator


Week 9 of your pregnancy may not feel much different than your previous week of pregnancy. However, your baby is almost fully developed in miniature and is ready to continue growing.

Ensure that you take care of yourself and your baby at this early stage of your pregnancy so that you have a healthy pregnancy later.


What should I be feeling at 9 weeks pregnant?
At 9 weeks pregnant, you can experience extreme tiredness and you might feel sick along with mood swings. There is also a metallic taste in your mouth.

How does your stomach feel at 9 weeks?
You might feel that your lower belly is getting firmer. This is because your uterus is expanding to fit your growing baby and will soon have a larger baby bump.

Can your pregnancy show at 9 weeks?
At 9 weeks pregnant you might only be showing a bit of a baby bump or in some cases, no bump at all yet. 

What does my 9-week baby look like?
At 9 weeks pregnant, your baby’s face is slowly forming and the eyes are bigger and have some colour.

Can you tell gender on a 9-week ultrasound?
Only by week 14 can you tell the gender of a baby.

How common is miscarriage at 9 weeks?
Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester of pregnancy which is before twelve weeks.



Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.